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1. 我国海洋鱼类寄生旋尾目线虫的分类学和DNA条形码的建立,编号31272269,国家自然科学基金,项目主持人。2013年。
2. 我国海洋鱼类寄生异尖属线虫的分子鉴定和群体遗传结构分析,编号30970318,国家自然科学基金,项目主持人。2010年。
3. 中国和乌克兰马属动物圆线虫生物多样性和系统演化以及寄生虫病防治效果的研究,编号No:CU08-14,科技部,中方项目主持人。2011年。
4. 中国海洋鱼类寄生蛔目线虫DNA分类学与物种鉴定数据库的建立,编号31101615,国家自然科学基金,第一主研人。2012年。
5. 黄渤海鱼类寄生异尖属线虫的分子鉴定和群体遗传结构的分析,编号20070094005,教育部博士点基金,项目主持人。2008年。
6. 渤海鱼类寄生异尖属线虫的分子鉴定和群体遗传结构的分析,编号C2008000179,河北省自然科学基金,项目主持人。2008年。
7. 中国动物志线虫纲圆线亚目(二),编号30499341,国家基金委重大项目,子课题负责人。2004年。”
1. Li L, Zhao J-Y, Chen H-X, Ju H-D, An M, Xu Z,Zhang L-P (通讯作者). Survey for the presence of ascaridoidlarvae in the cinnamon flounder Pseudorhombus cinnamoneus (Temminck &Schlegel) (Pleuronectiformes: Paralichthyidae). International Journal of FoodMicrobiology, 2017, 241: 108-116.
2. Jian R, Wang S-W, Zhang W-X, Zhang L-P (通讯作者). Morphological and molecular identification of Habronema spp. (Nematoda:Habronematidae) from donkeys in Xinjiang, China, and notes on the taxonomicalstatus of Habronema majus (Creplin, 1849) and H. microstoma (Schneider, 1866).Systematic Parasitology, 2017, 94: 511-525.
3. Ju H-D, Li L, Zhang L-P (通讯作者). Durettenema guangdongense gen. et sp. nov. (Nematoda: Molineoidea) fromHipposideros larvatus (Horsfield) (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) with discussionof the taxonomic status of Macielia rhinolophi Yin, 1980. Acta Parasitologica,2017, 62 (3): 575-581.
4. Li, L, Zhao, W-T, Guo, Y-N, Zhang L-P (通讯作者). Nematode parasites infecting the starry batfish Halieutaea stellata(Vahl) (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae) from the East and South China Sea.Journal of Fish Diseases, 2016, 39: 515-529.
5. Li, L, Du, L. Q, Xu, Z, Guo, Y N, Wang, S X,Zhang, L P (通讯作者). Morphological variability and molecularcharacterization of Dichelyne (Cucullanellus) pleuronectidis (Yamaguti, 1935)(Ascaridida: Cucullanidae) from the flatfish Pleuronichthys cornutus (Temminck& Schlegel) (Pleuronectiformes: Pleuronectidae) in the East China Sea.Systematic Parasitology, 2014, 87: 87-98.
6. Li, L, Hasegawa, H, Roca, V, Xu, Z, Guo, Y N,Sato, A, Zhang, L P(通讯作者). Morphology, ultrastructure and molecularcharacterisation of Spiroxys japonica Morishita, 1926 (Spirurida:Gnathostomatidae) from Pelophylax nigromaculatus (Hallowell) (Amphibia: Ranidae).Parasitology Research, 2014, 113: 893–901.
7. Zhang, L P (通讯作者), Du, XJ, An, R Y, Li, L, Gasser R B. Identification and genetic characterization ofAnisakis larvae from marine fishes in the South China Sea using anelectrophoretic-guided approach. Electrophoresis, 2013, 34: 888-894.
8. Bu, Y Z, Niu, H X, Zhang, L P. (通讯作者) Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Cylicocyclus (Nematoda: Strongylidae)based on nuclear ribosomal sequence data. Acta Parasitologica, 2013, 58(2):167-173.
9. Liu, B C, Bu, Y Z., Zhang, L P. (通讯作者) A new species of Aspiculuris Schulz, 1924 (Nematoda, Heteroxynematidae)from the gray-sided vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus (Rodentia, Cricetidae), fromTianjin, China. Acta Parasitologica, 2012, 57(3), 311–315.
10. Li, L, Gibson, D I, Liu, Y Y, Zhang, L P. (通讯作者) Morphological and molecular study of the poorly known speciesPseudanisakis rajae (Yamaguti, 1941) (Nematoda: Acanthocheilidae) fromelasmobranchs in the Yellow Sea and Taiwan Strait off the coast of China.Systematic Parasitology, 2012, 81: 115-123.
11. Li, L, Xu, Z, Liu, B C, Zhang, L P. (通讯作者) Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species of the genusRaphidascaris (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from marine fishes from the South ChinaSea. Parasitology Research, 2012 , 110:1473–1479.
12. Li, L, Xu, Z, Zhang, L P. (通讯作者) A new species of the genus Mawsonascaris Sprent, 1990 (Nematoda:Ascaridida) from Glaucostegus granulatus (Cuvier) (Rajiformes: Rhinobatidae) inthe Taiwan Strait, with remarks on the systematic status of Raphidascaroides myliobatumYin & Zhang, 1983. Journal of Natural History, 2012, 46: 1307-1317.
13. Li, L, Xu, Z., Zhang, L. P. (通讯作者) Goezia nankingensis Hsu, 1933 (Nematoda: Raphidascarididae) from thecritically endangered Chinese paddlefishPsephurus gladius (Martens) (Acipenseriformes: Polyodontidae). SystematicParasitology, 2012, 82:39-48.
14. Zhang, S, Song, J, Zhang L P. (通讯作者) Three species of Procyrnea Chabaud, 1958 (Nematoda: Habronematidae) fromraptors in Beijing, China. Journal of Natural History, 2011, 45(45-48):2915-2928.
15. Liu, B, Zhang, S. and Zhang L P. (通讯作者) Falcaustra sinensis sp. nov. (Nematoda, Kathlaniidae) from Indotestudoelongata in China. Acta Parasitologica, 2011, 56 (2): 208-212.
16. Zhang, S. and Zhang L P. (通讯作者) A new species of Meteterakis Karve, 1930 (Nematoda: Heterakoidea) fromIndotestudo elongata (Blyth) in China with a key to the species of Meteterakis.Zootaxa, 2011, 2869: 63-68.
17. Du, C, Zhang, L P. (通讯作者), Shi, M, Ming Z, Hu, M and Gasser, RB. Elucidating the identity ofAnisakis larvae from a broad range of marine fishes from the Yellow Sea, China,using a combined electrophoretic-sequencing approach. Electrophoresis, 2010, 31(4):654-658.
18. Ming, Z, Zhang, L P. (通讯作者) Subulura (Murisubulura) tanjinensis sp. nov. (Nematoda, Subuluroidea)from Eutamias sibiricus (Laxmann) (Rodentia) in Tianjin, China. ActaParasitologica, 2010, 55 (2): 133-137.
19. Bu, Y, Niu, H, Gasser, RB, Beveridge, I and Zhang, L P. (通讯作者) Strongyloid nematodes in the caeca of donkeys in Henan Province, China.Acta Parasitologica, 2009, 54: 263-268.
20. Li, L, Xu, Z and Zhang, L P. (通讯作者) Redescrition of three species of Hysterothylacium (Nematoda: Anisakidae)from marine fishes from the Yellow Sea, China, with the synonymy ofHysterothylacium muraenesoxin (Luo, 1999). Zootaxa, 2008, 1878: 55-67.
21. Li, L, Xu, Z and Zhang, L P. (通讯作者) A new species of genus Hysterothylacium Ward et Magath, 1917 (Nematoda,Anisakidae) from Liparis tanakae from the Yellow Sea, China. ActaParasitologica, 2007, 52: 371-375.
22. Zhang, L P, Hu, M,Jones, A, Allsopp, BA, Beveridge, I, Schindler AR and Gasser, RBCharacterization of Taenia madoquae and Taenia regis from carnivores in Kenyausing genetic markers in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA,and their relationshipswith other selected taeniids. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 2007, 21:379-385.
23. Zhang, L P, Hu, M, Shamsi, S, Beveridge, I, Li,H, Xu, Z, Li, L, Cantacessi, C, and Gasser,RB. The specicific identication ofanisakid larvae from fishes from the Yellow Sea, China, using mutationscanning-coupled sequence analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Molecular andCellular Probes, 2007, 21: 386-390.
1. 张路平、孔繁瑶,马属动物的寄生线虫。中国农业出版社,2002年。
2. 张路平、孔繁瑶,中国动物志线虫纲圆线亚目(二)。科学出版社,2014年。
1. “中国海洋鱼类寄生蛔目线虫的整合分类学研究”获2015年河北省自然科学三等奖。获奖人:张路平、李亮、徐真、安瑞永、杜春霞。