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2009/03 – 2009/09,美国路易斯安那州立大学,兽医学院,高级访问学者;

2001/12 – 2004/03,河北师范大学,银河yh8858com,博士后出站;

1998/09 – 2001/07,解放军军需大学,军事兽医研究所,获得农学博士学位;

1990/09 – 1993/07,河北师范大学,生物系,获得理学硕士学位;

1986/09 – 1990/07,河北师范大学,生物系,获得理学学士学位;


主要研究方向:动物病原微生物分子致病机制及其防控。采用现代微生物学、生物化学与分子生物学、分子免疫学等手段研究家畜家禽和主要水生动物等重要病原微生物的分子致病机理和基因工程疫苗。已完成国家自然科学基金项目2项;主持河北省科技厅科技支撑项目和河北省自然科学基金各1项。在Vaccine, Journal of Immunology, Anal Bioanal Chem,Hepato-Gastroenterology,Antiviralresearch, European journal of phamacology, Cellular Immunology, Virus Gene,Brain Research Bulletin,微生物学报,中国兽医学报等杂志共发表学术论文60余篇,获河北省科技进步三等奖2项。主持河北省《微生物学》省级精品课程,作为副主编编写《微生物学教程》和《免疫学》教材两部,发表教学改革论文20余篇,指导的本科生获全国“挑战杯”大学生科技创新大赛二等奖和三等奖各1项,获河北省优秀教学成果二等奖1项。








[1] GuoPing Lv, BaoHong Xu , PeiNan Wei ,Jie Song , HongYing Zhang , Chuan Zhao, LiYun Qin, BaoHua Zhao(共责任作者).Molecular characterization of food borne-associated Staphylococcus aureusstrains isolated in Shijiazhuang, China, from 2010 to 2012[J].DiagnosticMicrobiology and Infectious Disease, 2014, 78(4):262-268.

[2] Qiong-Ying Fan, Ze-Jun Dong, Zheng-HuiLi, Xia Yin, Xiao-Yan Yang, Tao Feng, Kun Wei, Ji-Kai Liu, Bao-Hua Zhao(共责任作者). Twonew ylangene-type sesquiterpenoids from cultures of the fungus Postia sp [J]. JAsian Nat Prod Res, 2014 , 16(3):254-258.

[3] Shanshan Gao, Na Zhao, Said Amer,Mingming Qian, Mengxi Lv, Yuliang Zhao, Xin Su, Jieying Cao, Hongxuan He,Baohua Zhao(共责任作者). Protective efficacy of PLGA microspheres loaded with divalent DNAvaccine encoding ompA gene of aeromonas veronii and hly gene of aeromonashydrophila in mice [J]. Vaccine, 2013, 40(11): 1132-1139.

[4] Zhangwei Xue, Yi Hu, Shujing Xu, KouheiOhnishi, Yanhe Ma, Jiansong Ju, Baohua Zhao(共责任作者).Characterization and preliminary mutation analysis of a thermostable alanineracemase from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis MB4[J]. Extremophiles, 2013,17(4):611-621.

[5] Yanqing Bian, Xiujun Zhao, Menghu Li ,Shaohua Zeng, Baohua Zhao(责任作者). Various roles of astrocytes during recovery from repeatedexposure to different doses of lipopolysaccharide[J]. Behav Brain Res, 2013,253:253-61.

[6] Li Gao , Yongqing Shen, Jing Zhang,Chunyun Li, Liang Li, Baoen Shan , Baohua Zhao(责任作者). Effect ofspider venom on inhibition proliferation of TE13 cells in vivo and in vitro[J].Thoracic Cancer, 2013, 4(3):306-311.

[7] 胡奕, 刘朋朋, 张志明, 卢鹤真, 罗静, 王承民, 刘军须, 赵宝华(共责任作者), 何宏轩.格尔德霉素抑制高致病性禽流感病毒增殖及其所介导炎性反应研究[J]. 生物化学与生物物理进展, 2013, 40(11): 1132-1139.

[8] Yanqing Bian, Zhuo Pan, Ziyuan Hou, CuiHuang, Wei Li, Baohua Zhao(责任作者). Learning, memory, and glial cell changes following recovery fromchronic unpredictable stress [J]. Brain Research Bulletin, 2012, 88(5):471-476.

[9] Fengyang Lei, Baohua Zhao(共第一作者),Rizwanul Haque, Xiaofang Xiong, Lynn Budgeon, Neil D. Christensen, Yuzhang Wu,Jianxun Song. In vivo programming of tumor antigen-specific T lymphocytes frompluripotent stem cells to promote cancer immunosurveillance [J]. CancerResearch, 2011, 71(14): 4742-4747.

[10] Zhi-Hui Zheng, Yi Yang , Xin-Hua Lu,Hua Zhang, Xiao-Xi Shui , Chen Liu, Xiao-Bo He, Qin Jiang, Bao-Hua Zhao(共责任作者),Shu-Yi Si. Mycophenolic acid induces adipocyte-like differentiation andreversal of malignancy of breast cancer cells partly through PPARγ[J]. Europeanjournal of pharmacology, 2011, 658(1):1-8.

[11] Xiaoxi Shui, Xinhua Lu, Yan Gao, ChenLiu, Fengzhi Ren, Qin Jiang, Hua Zhang, Baohua Zhao(共责任作者),Zhihui Zheng. A mammalian two-hybrid system-based assay for small-molecular HIVfusion inhibitors targeting gp41[J]. Antiviral research, 2011, 90(1): 54-63.

[12] Xin Guo, Bao-Hua Zhao(责任作者), Mu-XiaZhang. Risk factors of Helicobacter pylori infection among adults in northernChina [J]. Hepato-Gastroenterology, 2011, 58(106): 306-310.

[13] Zhi-Hui Zheng, Xin-Hua Lu, Hua Zhang,Guo-Ping Lv, Jian-Gong He, Bao-Hua Zhao(共责任作者), Shu-Yi Si.Impacts of different promoters on the mammalian one-hybrid assay for detectingnuclear receptor agonists[J]. Anal Bioanal Chem, 2010, 396(5):1721–1730 .

[14] Jie Song, Di Shen, Jie Cui, BaohuaZhao(责任作者). Accelerated evolution of PRRSV during recent outbreaks in China[J]. Virus Gene, 2010, 41(2):241–245.

[15] Baohua Zhao(第一作者), AihuaSong, Rizwanul Haque, Fengyang Lei, Lauren Weiler, Xiaofang Xiong, Yuzhang Wu,Michael Croft, Jianxun Song. Cooperation between molecular targets ofcostimulation in promoting T cell persistence and tumor regression[J]. Journalof Immunology, 2009, 182(11): 6744-6752.



2. 海水工厂化养殖推广,申红旗、赵宝华、李全振、曹杰英、杨振才,河北省科技进步奖,三等奖,2008。
