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1990至1994 兰州大学生物系(学士)
1994至1997 中国农业大学生命学院(硕士)
1997至2003 美国德克萨斯州立大学奥斯汀分校(博士)
2003至2009 美国斯坦福大学卡耐基研究院(博士后)
2011至今 河北师范大学生物系(教授)
植物脱落酸信号转导; 植物蛋白磷酸酶与逆境适应
1. 本科生《细胞生物学(双语)》
2. 研究生《现代分子细胞生物学技术》、《分子细胞生物学大实验》
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目2024-2027蛋白磷酸酶PP2C34和PP2C75去磷酸化ABI1激活ABA信号途径的作用机理研究 (32370331) 主持,在研
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目2022-2025 ERECTA-MAPK-DA1信号途径在调节拟南芥种子大小决定中作用机理研究 (32170323) 主持,在研
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2018-2021,UBP12和13在BR和RGF1调节的根的发育中的作用机制研究 (31770308)主持,已结题
近10年发表论文 (责任作者):
1. Chuanling Li,Xuetong Li, Zhiping Deng , Yuning Song, Xinye Liu, Xiaohan Alex Tang, Ziye Li, YaZhang, Baowen Zhang, Wenqiang Tang , Jian-Xiu Shang* and Yu Sun* (2024)EGR1 and EGR2 positively regulate plantABA signaling by modulating the phosphorylation of SnRK2.2. Newphytologist 241(4):1492-1509
2. Xuedan Wu , Xingbo Cai , Baowen Zhang ,Shuting Wu , Ruiju Wang , Na Li, Yunhai Li, Yu Sun*, Wenqiang Tang*(2022)ERECTA regulates seed size independently of its intracellular domainvia MAPK-DA1-UBP15 signaling. The Plant Cell 34(10):3773-3789
3. Chuanling Li, Jian-Xiu Shang, Chenlei Qiu,Baowen Zhang, Jinxue Wang, Shuo Wang and Yu Sun* (2021)Plastid-Localized EMB2726 Is Involved in Chloroplast Biogenesis and EarlyEmbryo Development in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:675838
4. Jing Xin, Chuanling Li, Kexin Ning, Yuan Qin,Jian-Xiu Shang*, and Yu Sun* (2021)AtPFA-DSP3, an atypical dual-specificity protein tyrosine phosphatase, affectssalt stress response by modulating MPK3 and MPK6 activity. Plant Cell & Environment44(5):1534-1548. DOI: 10.1111/pce.14002
5. Xiaowei Zhang, Jiali Wu, Qin Yu, Ruiyan Liu,Zhi-Yong Wang*, and Yu Sun* (2020) AtOFPs regulate cell elongation bymodulating microtubule orientation via direct interaction with TONNEAU2. Plant Science 292:110405
6. Zhichao An, Yuliang Liu, Yang Ou, Jia Li,Baowen Zhang, Daye Sun, Yu Sun*, andWenqiang Tang* (2018) Regulation of the stability of RGF1 receptor by theubiquitin-specific proteases UBP12/UBP13 is critical for root meristemmaintenance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 115(5): 1123-1128
7. Chuang-Qi Wei, Chih-Wei Chien, Lian-Feng Ai,Jun Zhao, Zhenzhen Zhang, Kathy H. Li, Alma L. Burlingame, Yu Sun*, Zhi-Yong Wang* (2016) The Arabidopsis B-box proteinBZS1/BBX20 interacts with HY5 and mediates strigolactone regulation ofphotomorphogenesis. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 43: 555_563
Phone: 0311-80787546
Email: yusun05@163.com